Ted Baker SEO Audit: Underwhelming Results

Here we present our SEO audit of Ted Baker, a British retailer whose prospects were briefly discussed by our team earlier this week, with particular emphasis on its online presence.

We acknowledge that Ted is in great shape both operationally and financially, but our SEO audit yielded rather disappointing results with regard to several elements of tedbaker.com.

Our Approach 

Our actionable leads are available only to our premium clients. Our analysis focuses on all the variables that could affect search engine rankings and the customer’s journey, based on:

  • Accessibility
  • Indexability
  • On-page Rankings Factors
  • SEO Audit Criteria

Our analysis has targeted a limited number of landing pages and sub-categories, which have been identified through a top-level navigation approach. This provides a good proxy for the performance of tedbaker.com.

Score: Critical areas where intervention is needed on a scale from 1 to 5 from an SEO perspective. “1” least problematic, no action needed; “5” most problematic, immediate attention needed.
Status: indicates the current performance of the website for the specified parameters.
Description: indicates the analysed SEO parameters, which are identified through the crawling.


Key Findings

  • 404 errors (“page not found”) have been detected (wrong URL configuration)
  • Speed metrics are below average, and that is a significant problem for mobile, in particular
  • Missing and/or inefficient hierarchy structures and a poor level of on-page optimisation are likely to harm performance.

The full audit package (“Ted Baker Audit”) can be downloaded at the link below.

Please Download Our File Here:

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