Google And The Mobile Drama

21 April 2015: the day of mobile friendliness, according to Google.

The big search giant has in fact announced a real-time algorithm will be released for assessing the mobile friendliness of websites. A score will be provided and will be part of the ranking factors from now onwards.

But is this really a news? We don’t think so.

  • emarketerMobile trends and predictions have clearly shown mobile has been a reality for years.
  • Google had already rolled out changes to its tools since 2013 (such as PPC mobile enhanced campaigns).
  • Google algorithm changes are always announced after they take place. It is up to savvy marketeers anticipating their impact.

We believe websites should be always optimised according to users’ trends in terms of devices and technology. This is why we always provide our client with a tailored and localised strategy.

If you want to know more, please email us at

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