888 Casino SEO Audit: Here’s A List Of Things To Do!

Here we present our SEO audit of 888casino.com rather than that of its corporate website, given the importance that the casino business has in terms of revenues at 888 Holdings.

Our Approach

We provide a detailed analysis of SEO technical and on-page parameters for 888casino.com and other subdomains.

Our research identifies all the variables that could affect search engine rankings and the customer’s journey, based on:

  • Accessibility
  • Indexability
  • On-page Rankings Factors

SEO Audit Summary

  • Score: Critical areas where intervention is needed on a scale from 1 to 5 from an SEO perspective. “1” least problematic, no action needed; “5” most problematic, immediate attention needed. 
  • Status: indicates the current performance of the website for the specified parameters.
  • Description: indicates the analysed SEO parameters, which are identified through the crawling.


Key Findings

  • The website’s multi-language sitemap helps Google when it comes to indexing the platform based on different searches and different languages.
  • The robots.txt indicates no folders have been disallowed; a review of such file is recommended in order to help Google during the crawling process.
  • The majority of the URLs retrieve a 3xx code, which indicates that redirects have been implemented and should be reviewed in order to maximise performance.
  • Performance could be affected by missing and/or inefficient hierarchy structures
  • A lack of on-page optimisation for most of its pages has been detected.
  • In order to gain more authority, the structure of the entire website should be revisited and that should come along a proper HTTP status codes analysis. On-page optimisation is strongly recommended as part of a more comprehensive and efficient digital strategy.

The full audit package (“888 Casino Audit”) can be downloaded at the link below.

Please Download Our File Here:

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