3 Lessons From My Latest SEO Pitch

I met a rather big client based in London today. The good news is that I didn’t have to prepare a pitch or to convince the client to assess the opportunity of launching a SEO campaign.

seo-predictions-1The client, whose intention is to grow market share in the non-food retail market, estimates that the majority of its sales would be derived from search engine optimisation, so we just had to agree on the next few steps. That’s usually easier said than done, but this time around the process turned out to be smooth.



Its forecasts are now being tested by the team — we had a different set of figures based on a different set of assumptions — and I wouldn’t be surprised if the sales contribution from SEO would surge at a steeper growth rate in the next couple of quarters. Why is that?

I won’t bore you with all the details about number crunching, but the client has underinvested in digital and SEO for a long time, and that’s the kind of growth I’d expect from similar businesses.

3 Lessons

  • The client must do its homework, and know the value that any SEO campaign could bring. The client must be informed, essentially. That’s not to say its IT department always is, however!
  • Integration between SEO agent and the client’s IT department is very important since the early stages of discussions, forecasts included.
  • The client is always right when all you have to do is to assess its digital needs and act accordingly. That’s rarely the case.

If you want to discuss this topic further, feel free to email us at info@hedgingbeta.com

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